
Corinne Lepage

“Toujours se poser la question de savoir si ce que l’on fait est juste. On ne peut pas toujours faire ce que l’on doit faire. Mais on peut toujours éviter de faire ce qu’il ne faut pas faire”.

Crédit photo Corinne Lepage : Bruno Klein

Alain Renaudin_2

Alain Renaudin

“Le biomimétisme est une proposition de langage universel de l’espèce humaine, reliant les hommes, les disciplines et les secteurs d’activité”.


Jean-François Gallouin

“L’objectif économique d’une entreprise diminue progressivement, au profit de l’envie d’impacter”

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The think tank envisioned by FinX.

BaseX CLUB is an initiative with an informative, positive, and fruitful scope, where we regularly address major societal topics, illustrated with interviews of notable individuals. Echoing the growth of a forest, BaseX CLUB also supports FinX's vision and enlightens us for the future. While FinX propels the boat, BaseX CLUB invites you to come aboard.


« The word after exists, it is 3.8 billion years old » Alain Renaudin

Tomorrow will be born from what we decide to make grow from the present. It is a question of reconsidering the place of the Man within his biotope and his ecosystem. To reconsider ecology is to reconsider ourselves. Man does not need to invent sustainable development, he just needs to be inspired by nature. This shift is one of the levers that explains the success of biomimicry.


« The success of a company, above all a matter of beliefs » Jean-François Galloüin

Can a company create a market? Or does it only reveal markets, latent demands? The creation of a company is a journey, a set of hypotheses, in a context that must be favorable to it. It is always a gamble. The younger generations are very sensitive to the ecological impact. It has become a fundamental criterion in their choice of company. Before, people who wanted to change the world were separated from those who advocated a purely capitalist culture. The boundaries are now blurring! By adopting a business culture, some non-profit organizations will see their influence amplified.

Our white papers

Volume 1 - Time for action

Towards another acceleration

We have spoken with extraordinary individuals who generate new possibilities.

Time for action - Towards another acceleration, is the result of these encounters. It aims to elevate FinX's vision, serving as a voice for those who, through their respective talents, are pushing boundaries, working towards an exciting future... and changing the world.

Volume 2 - In osmosis

At the heart of the infinitely precious

A second book to amplify FinX's voice

In Osmosis is a collection of interviews highlighting 18 exceptional life stories. Explorers, scientists, navigators, and entrepreneurs have all agreed to participate in this new literary adventure with FinX.

"This book is a testimony to exceptional journeys, crafted like a bouquet of blossoming solutions." - Jean-Louis Etienne

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