Living beings, including us, depend on the Ocean’s extraordinary richness.

The Ocean, the largest reservoir of life on the planet, covers 70% of the Earth's surface and holds 97% of its water. Its area exceeds 360 million square kilometers, while the total surface area of Earth is 500 million square kilometers. The Ocean regulates the climate. However, over the past 50 years, it has been warming, acidifying, rising, becoming polluted, and losing its biodiversity and biomass.

Our maritime activities must evolve. Absolutely. A new world is possible. It is already here. It has been here for 3.8 billion years.


It is difficult to imagine a port with clear water, a calm and quiet atmosphere, and air filled with the scent of salt instead of diesel. It's even harder to imagine seas where motorboats have no harmful effects on fauna and flora and harmonize with marine ecosystems. FinX aims to contribute to making this dream a reality with a unique technology that has a very low carbon and energy impact.

This world will be shaped by the FinX revolution: a new propeller-free boat motor, suitable for small, medium, and large power ranges, electric (soon hydrogen-powered), and bio-inspired.

Aerial view of snow covered mountains and colorful sky reflected in water at dusk. Winter landscape with sea, snowy rocks, purple sky, reflection at sunset. Lofoten islands, Norway at twilight. Nature

The ocean welcomes its new ally.

An eco-friendly propulsion system, replacing the propeller with fins.


FinX is committed to giving a new direction to nautical propulsion, treating the Ocean with respect and humility. Isn't it time to be grateful for what nature offers us, rather than exploiting it solely for utilitarian purposes? Aurélien Barrau, in his recent book "Le plus grand défi de l’Histoire de l’humanité" (The Greatest Challenge in the History of Humanity), calls for necessary reflection and awareness: "Nature is often seen only through the lens of what it 'provides,' of what it 'gives' us. Perhaps it is time to consider it for itself. Should we continue to view the places we inhabit as 'available' for use? A subtle ecosystem exists there. It is not merely a resource. It should no longer be seen as such. It is valuable for what it is, not just for what it provides us. The issue of massive animal and plant deaths is almost always presented in terms of its negative effects (often real) on human life. But isn't it catastrophic in itself? The world exists independently of its role in our comfort. The 'law of the strongest' is not only ethically indefensible; it almost always backfires on those who abuse it."

3. Photo Harold


« Driven by a passion for boating and a deep concern for the energy transition, we at FinX are proud to be part of the emergence of more responsible nautical mobility. The current period is an accelerator of awareness. We can transform it into an ode to life. While the boating industry needs a profound revolution, we are deeply convinced that by uniting talents, we can achieve this. Deeptech is a means to chart a new path, in necessary harmony with nature. The ardent desire to live in a better, gentler world continuously drives us. For tomorrow. For nature. For us. ».

Harold Guillemin,
Founder & CEO de FinX

“Habités par la passion du nautisme et très concernés par la transition énergétique, nous sommes fiers chez FinX de participer à l’émergence d’une mobilité nautique plus responsable.La période que l'humanité traverse est un accélérateur de consciences. Nous pouvons la transformer en une ode au vivant.Alors que l'industrie du nautisme doit être révolutionnée en profondeur, nous sommes intimement convaincus qu’en fédérant les talents, nous y parviendrons. La deeptech est un moyen de prendre le chemin de nouveaux possibles, en harmonie nécessaire avec la nature.L’ardent désir de vivre dans un monde meilleur, plus doux, n’a de cesse de nous animer. Pour demain. Pour la nature. Pour nous.”

Harold Guillemin


The FinX thruster is composed of few parts. It contains no crankshaft, no gearbox, and no rotating seals. Only the membrane and its magnets (directly connected to it) oscillate. No need for gasoline or oil. As a result, there are no odors, no oil stains, no fuel or exhaust gases discharged into the water. The membrane has a lifespan of two years and can be replaced in a few minutes.

BaseX is FinX’s think tank, launched in the spring of 2020, during the health crisis. We give a platform to personalities working for a better world through interviews published in two books published by FinX: “Time for Action – Towards another acceleration” and “In Osmosis – At the heart of the infinitely precious”.

Engineers, sailors, artists, politicians, philosophers, and others discuss major societal issues (energy transition, transport, biomimicry…) and share their ways of acting, committed to proposing a more gentle future, in harmony with nature.

BaseX aims to awaken consciousness by echoing the growing forest. It also seeks to guide FinX on its path to a nautical and maritime revolution.

FinX is committed to a crucial sector for the future. BaseX, by involving renowned and specialized personalities, aims to help FinX refine its vision.

BaseX naturally carries the message of biomimicry as a response to global challenges, emphasizing that humans are part of nature, and everything is interconnected.

BaseX is a virtuous think tank, not a media outlet. The interviews are often long and detailed. “Time for Action – Towards another acceleration” & “In Osmosis – At the heart of the infinitely precious” are the two BaseX books, published between 2021 and 2024, constructed as two collections of interviews. 

FinX hopes to grow BaseX into, perhaps eventually, its foundation.

Regardless of their talents or preferred sectors, anyone can act for tomorrow. We engage with individuals from all walks of life who contribute to and act for the common good.


Video demonstrations of our motors, answers to all your questions… We love to talk to you about your needs, so don’t hesitate to leave us your contact details if you think our motor might be right for you!

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